Alaskan Drug Store Mortar and Pestle
Product Description
Recovered Mortar with Pestle, having been in location of a town fire that partially destroyed a section of its busy waterfront commercial district. Occurring either in the 1920s to early 1950s, date or if a fire was responsible is unknown. The makers mark or appearance of the Mortar & Pestle should allow for proper dating.
…building, info, photos & quality is limited.
Product Quantity: Only 1 set in stock. Set includes both a Mortar and Pestle.
Condition: Very Good! The pestle is missing the wooden handle, having likely been removed by fire or decades of submersion underwater.
Country: USA likely though unknown.
Weight: lb oz | ~ Ship (lb)
- Ship weight for this sale is an approximation till revised at time of purchase. For which a total 'of all items' and their weights being shipped will be known, should this be required.
Alaska Ocean Recovery (ak-ocr)
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